How to create video content & Grow your channel on YouTube
Guide by Eli from Russia
Hi, this is Eli from Russia, and welcome to my YouTube guide.

YouTube has changed my life in many ways, and I am happy to share my expreince with you
. In this guide, you will find clear steps to create video content and to grow your channel, lifehacks and tips, and my personal stories.
There are many reasons to start a YouTube channel,
and here are a few of them
Sharing your ideas and creativity with the world
Creating a community of like-minded people
Building your personal brand
Promoting your business
Monetizing your content
Creating a lifestyle that you want and work from anywhere
By reading through the guide and completing all the tasks (yes, this guide is also a workbook!), you will:

✔ Identify your niche
✔ Come up with topics for your videos
✔ Сreate your channel
✔ Customize your channel
✔ Create your first videos
✔ Learn about the equipment for videos
✔ Learn about editing your videos
✔ Upload your video on YouTube
✔ Learn how to create a Thumbnail
✔ Optimize your videos
✔ Promote your channel
✔ Learn about engaging with your audience
✔ Shorts - how to create short content
✔ Learn about ways to monetize your channel

Guide Contents
15 Steps to create videos and to grow your channel
We will go through all the steps from finding your niche on YouTube, filming and editing videos to promoting your channel and monetizing it.
8 video lessons
I will share my personal hacks, tips and YouTube stories with you.
Tasks to do!
By completing them you will create and design your channel, have 50 ideas for your future videos, and have a clear strategy for growing your channel.
YouTube Guide by Eli from Russia